VA Loan Credit score requirements

Technically VA loans do not have a minimum credit score requirement but the investors/lenders that lend the money do have requirements.

I have lenders that can go as low as 500 scores. However, with scores below 580 sometimes require lower debt ratios and sometimes require a couple months reserves. Some lenders will also require an automated approval through Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac.

 In some cases, if you do not receive an automated approval, they will allow you to have the loan manually underwritten, Manual underwrites will require a more set debt ratio and, in most cases, a clean 12-month rental/mortgage history. Every lender is different, and some can be more liberal than others. Some will allow for non-traditional credit which could be items that do not report to your credit. So basically, we could build you a credit file if you don't have much or any credit.